Goal Setting Tips

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Goal setting is an essential practice that helps us focus on what we want to achieve and develop a plan to make it happen.
The greatest challenge occurs when we do not achieve our goal or when it takes longer than we expected to achieve the goal.

4 Steps to Effective Delegation

4 Steps to Effective Delegation

Delegation places the work where the most appropriate person can do it and it frees up our time for the most important tasks. This will expand the depth of the team for future success.

How to Build a Winning Team

Leaders know that a shared purpose is more powerful than a collection of individual accomplishments.

Just like when kids are chasing a ball all over the field, teams can sometimes feel as though they are doing the work, but not producing the results.

How to build trust in your team

A leader builds trust within their team to ensure that those around them are invested in their cause. Building trust guarantees a team will perform at its peak.

In fact, trust is what will make a team perform, not goals or metrics.

10 Leadership Lessons

A leader’s journey begins with their own personal change and therefore they must lead themselves at least 50% of the time before they can effectively lead others.

Leaders of today do not rely on their authority to get things done. They recognize other’s strengths and cultivate these strengths to release future leaders to prosper and grow.

3 Hiring Traditions To Avoid

Reimagine your recruitment process and avoid these 3 hiring traditions in order to attract the best talent to your business.

These three obsolete hiring traditions are limiting business growth and attracting poor quality candidates.

How to Keep Employees

Fostering connection with your employees is very important, particularly in the current job market. A tremendous amount of money is spent on hiring and training new employees.
Now is the time to focus on keeping your best employees, before they quiet quit.

Time to Start Subtracting

Our life is already full, but we continue to say yes to more things that take up our time, thinking, hoping, that we can fit it all in.
This busyness is the very thing that is getting in our way of being more disciplined and focusing on being a great business owner.

Small Business Organizational Chart

Is it important to have an Organizational Chart for your small business? It can be challenging on how to set up your team.

Traditional Org Charts are based on titles and roles and runs the risk of leaving too many open questions. Perhaps there is a better way.